Mapiya Lumi: Around Here, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
Project Commenced: March 2020
Project Completed: April 2021
Floor Area: 120 sqm
Thylacine’s role
- design management
- interpretive design
- graphic design
- media design
- lighting design
Thylacine was engaged by the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) to design a new Children’s Gallery at the museum. It is based on the concept of ‘Little Big Home’, connecting young children (ages 0 – 7) and their families to the unique place that is Tasmania – this Home, Land, its People, Knowledge and Culture.
The space encourages a sense of awe and respect for the natural world and enables the exploration of ideas, such as the homes of animals and humans and their different forms, big and small. It is an immersive environment with a range of activities such as exploring, observing, collecting and reflecting; and realised through physical structures enabling hands on exploration and multisensory play.
The overall space is designed as a physical and exciting landscape – one that caters for a young and diverse age group. With Tasmania as the inspiration, the theme of ‘Little Big Home’ has allowed Thylacine to exaggerate and invert the unique and magnificent forms within this landscape, both macro and micro. These include the homes of animals, such as birds nests, shells, moth casings, homes in the air, homes in the ground and homes underwater. Human homes are also explored, with a traditional shelter form contrasting with a home from the 1880s. These ideas are expressed through physical and interactive structures, and digital engagement, as well as through the use of texture, colour, photo murals and graphic illustrations.
Materiality in this space is highly tactile, with colours and textures connecting to the unique Tasmanian environment and landscape.
Key interactive devices in the space include peepholes, mobiles, shadow play, dark spaces, magnification, nature based activities, an interactive fire pit, tree branches, suspended objects and models, tunnels and tactile play.
We have designed a gallery that is welcoming, immersive and fun. Through the theme of Little Big Home, children explore the big and the small through spaces that are rich and allow young children to explore and discover, climb, hide, listen and share, including the opportunity for hands on responsive play or quiet personal exploration/contemplation.
Project Partners TMAG and stakeholders, Mental Media and Illuminated Design.