Busselton Jetty Marine Discovery Centre


Project Completed: 2024

Floor Area: 119 sqm


Busselton Jetty Inc

Thylacine’s role

  • Project management
  • Content development / Curatorial
  • Spacial design
  • Interactive design
  • Graphic design
  • Media design
  • Lighting design
  • Production management
  • Fabrication offsite and onsite
  • Install, commissioning and focusing

The Thylacine team worked collaboratively with marine scientists, First Nations stakeholders, and the Busselton Jetty team to develop and deliver a media-rich, interactive visitor experience, focused on environmental awareness that caters to diverse learning approaches and ages. Visitors can playfully explore a mock-seagrass habitat to discover hidden inhabitants, learn about Marine Parks through the touch table, hear what the busy ocean sounds like for a whale, drive a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) through the Perth Canyon and gain access to deep, mysterious environments through never-before-seen footage from the latest research voyages.

Cultural knowledge from the Wardandi Noongar people about fish species of the Geographe region is shared on the touch table and through a magnetic wall, illustrated by local Wardandi Noongar artist Josh Whiteland. This content was developed in consultation with and delivered by the community.

Thylacine managed the design and fabrication of the project from the early works planning and base build integration, through to the final install of the exhibition. Our role included content development and curation, writing and editing interpretive materials, and designing interactive, 3D and 2D elements.

Thylacine managed production, including offsite fabrication and onsite installation, commissioning, and focusing and coordinated media procurement and show controls to deliver a quality immersive and educational visitor experience.

Project Partners – Busselton Jetty Inc, Julie Trotter and the Schmidt Ocean Institute, Wardandi/Wadandi community, Holotype, Mental Media, Benjamin Cisterne Lighting Design, Show Works, IVE